Thursday, October 29, 2009

Believe in miracles.

Please take the time to read this post:
 This took place in Porto Alegre, Brasil, South America.
No-one should have to go through this, I am sure it will take time to heal. 
These are friends who work with Word of Life, in Brasil. 

Subject: God's protection... Agnes gun robbery!

Just wanted to ask you to pray for our family… (the last weeks has been hard, with trials in our life and ministry). Just a couple hours ago Agnes had a gun on her head while robbers tried to take her hostage (we call it here “flash kidnap”, when they take you just for a few hours to cash money from your bank account…). By the grace of God nobody else was in the car and Agnes was fast enough to step out while the guy was trying to reach the keys and she could run away… (just waiting for him to pull the trigger)! Praise God for HIS protection, nobody was hurt, police came and start looking for the car… nothing so far, please pray they can find it because we don’t have any insurance (like most of Brazilians don’t, because it’s too expensive…). God knows!
We are home now, Agnes is doing better, the kids are a little scared, but are all fine… living in Brazil is an adventure! Just thought I could share it with you. Thanks for your prayers. Your friendship and support makes all the difference in times like this. God bless you, Thomas & Agnes Heb 12:1-2

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